Saturday, May 29, 2010


Ok.... so we aren't officially 2nd years but WE ARE DONE WITH FINALS and the new 1st years are starting to move in which means we are the new 2nd years and are so experienced with the medical school life!!

We have 2 months off for summer which means no more this....

And a lot more us time!!

Ryan and some of his friends enjoyed a round of golf to celebrate SUMMER!!

And I enjoyed a few rays of sunshine :)

A big YAHOO for you guys!! Congrats on finishing your 3rd quarter of med school and enjoy your relaxing summer vacation... YOU DESERVE IT!!!


  1. Actually, not to be a downer, they aren't actually 2nd years until after they finish the 4th quarter from July to August. Then they are officially 2nd years. ;)

  2. ok ok i know.... but we have a long break and that quarter is only one month :)
