So lately Paige's is obsessed with piles and organizing things. When we were in Myrtle Beach, Paige found all the sea weed on the beach and put it into two piles. If it didn't land in the pile when she tossed it, she would grab it again and carefully put it on the pile. In the hotel and now at home she likes to take the clothes out of one drawer and put it in the other drawer. Every night I reorganize her drawers because everything is in the wrong place. Today at lunch Paige moved her fruit out of the container into a bunch and them ate it. She is so funny!!
She is growing so fast and learning so much every day. She can say mom, dad, hi, bye, cracker, please and a lot of other things. She loves to dance to music, blow kisses, and wave to everybody. I love that now is understands what we say. If we tell her to give something to someone she will. If we ask her if she wants a snack she will go to the snack cupboard. If we asks if she wants juice or milk she will go to the fridge. Pretty much anything with food she will head to the kitchen :)
Paige we love you and your cute little quirks!
It wouldn't be fall without the cougs!
9 years ago