Monday, October 12, 2009

Fall Time

Well it has been getting pretty cold/chilly here in Missouri. And that has put me in a cooking mood! This weekend I spent the day making Cinnamon Rolls for my first time ever, and I must say they turned out very well! Also made potato soup for dinner last week as well :)

Since we are now starving medical students, we have started making things homemade now instead of having to buy it from the store. So far we have made from scratch: pancakes, pizza dough, flour tortillas, and cinnamon rolls... Next is bread!

Oh and Ryan got his hair cut.... it was SO LONG. This is his hair cutting outfit :)


  1. oh my goodness! We should be friends or something. This last week we both did the SAME EXACT thing!!! I made homemade cinnamon rolls for the VERY first time and they turned out GREAT. and, I gave Danny a MUCH NEEDED haircut. (Ryan's was a little longer though) :) Yay for doing the same things!

  2. You mean now that you are starving students Ryan let you touch his hair???? I'll send grandma's recipe over your way soon. Good luck with the bread. . .it is an easy recipe and it doesn't need to be warm for the bread to rise because it rises in the oven!!! See you soon :)

  3. oh no i didn't cut his hair... our friend Kenzie does hair and she cut it sunday night before watching desperate housewives (ya ya i know)!!
