Thursday, October 6, 2011


Had to hurry and tell this story before I forgot about it...

Paige and I survived our first plane ride together! We traveled to Utah to see both my family and Ryan's. Paige did great on the first trip there and I was glad because I was so worried. I started to get worried again the day we were traveling back to Michigan. I tried to keep Paige's naps short so that she would take a long nap on the plane.

When we got to the airport security was a breeze and we got to our gate fine. I changed Paige's diaper so she was ready for a nap. Gave her a bottle and we boarded the plane. Right when they pushed away from the gate and started to take of Paige POOPED!! REALLY!! I have to sit here and worry that everybody on the plane would smell this stinky diaper, then Paige fell asleep. Yep! The seat belt light finally goes out and Paige is out cold. So I wrap a blanket around here hoping to keep the stink from creeping out. Paige finally woke up and I took the opportunity to change her. Changing a diaper on an airplane is kinda hard. Those bathrooms are tiny! We sit back down and I had Paige lying on her back in my lap when I started to feel something warm on my jeans. I picked her up and looked up her back... You guessed it EXPLOSION!! I had to stand up and change her again in that tiny little bathroom. I never pack an extra outfit because she never does that! She has only exploded twice in her life, now three times! I hated myself for not stopping and packing her pjs to change into. Now I had to keep her in a blanket to hide the big yellow stain on her back.

We finally landed in Houston and I had to run, seriously run, to the train to take me to the other terminal and run to the end of that terminal to board the plane. I was the last one on the plane and probably looked like a crazy woman running with a baby in the airport. I felt Paige's diaper and it was still fine from the last time which is good because I didn't have time to change it. We boarded the plane, sat down and then I felt a little wet part on her back. AGAIN!!! REALLY! AGAIN! She pooped her pants again as we were taking off. Sorry exploded again! Now she has exploded four times in her life and two of them were in a 3 hour time period. Lets just say that outfit is still soaking :)

That must have hit the spot because she slept the entire flight! Yes three hours in a poopy diaper and a stained outfit. Now I wasn't so made at myself for not packing her pjs because those would have been ruined too! I was so ready to get off the plane give her a mini bath in the kitchen sink and go to bed. I was so lucky to have gotten seats next to people who didn't mind sitting to a baby and actually played and helped entertain her.


  1. That is a good one Lisa! VERY hard to top that story! BAHAHAHA :)

  2. Oh my gosh! what a crazy plane experience! Of course she has to poop as soon as you are taking off. You're awesome :)
