Sunday, March 27, 2011

Thanks for the Memories

I have been trying to catch up on the years events and scrapbook them before we begin a new chapter of our lives. I am so overwhelmed by how blessed we have been while living here in Kirksville. I am so thankful for the people we have met and that we now call friends. You have all touched our lives and we are better people because of you. Thanks for the memories and all the pictures! We will miss you so much as we go our separate ways for school, but will never forget the times we had in the KV :)

Enjoy reliving some of the memories that we have shared!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Last Leg

We have officially begun our last leg of the race, the FINAL quarter of classroom work!!

We went to Michigan over spring break and found a super cute apartment, our moving truck is reserved, and the board exam is scheduled.

The weather is getting warmer and SPRING IS HERE!!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Big SIS!

My sisters birthday was this week and I know this is super late but...


We love you and can't wait to celebrate with you next week :)
Maybe I'll buy the extra big cake to say sorry for this being such a late post!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

So little time...

OH MY GOODNESS!! It is the first of March... MARCH!!! Everything we have been putting on all winter, it is now time to do it. We said we'll wait for spring break to look for housing, oh after winter when it finally warms up I'll deep clean my house... Hello it is spring time and break is in 2 weeks.

Finals are next week and Ryan is busy preparing for them. He only has one quarter left in his class room studies and then we move to Michigan where he can start his clinical rotations. We move in two and a half months. Where did time go?? It is still far away, but I think about all I/we need to do in that time and it will be gone before we know it. Then it will be time to pack and say the much dreading good byes to all the friends that have become family to us. We need time so slow down so we can get everything done that we need to... oh but warm up faster!!