First off, I don't want to put anyone down. I just wanna tell the world how proud I am of him and all that he is doing for our little family!
Now that that is out of the way... Ryan has been working really really hard at school to try to do his best, to get into the best rotation, into the best residency and so forth. He cruised through his finals a couple of weeks back. Ryan decided to apply for some scholarship and had to get his class ranking. Drum roll please...... he is number 40!!! out of 170 students. Yep do the math, that is in the top 20% of his class!!! OH YEAH BABY
On top of that, Ryan is the new Orthopedic Club President, member of the Internal Medicine Club, running for Student Government Treasure, and on Saturday was inducted into Sigma Sigma Phi!! No its no a wild and crazy fraternity it's the Honor Society.
He had to apply and was interviewed for it. They have to keep a B average and do community service projects. Lets just say he'll be busy.This quarter they started new classes that previous years didn't start until the fall of this year... Ryan was really nervous for the first test. He found out the class average was a 78-75 (can't quite remember) which made him more nervous, but Ryan rocked it and got a 90%!! It always surprises me how well he does because I feel like he never studies!
First, I want to thank Scott and Dona for raising such a determined and hard working son, not to mention cute!! And Ryan I love you so much and am so proud of all the work you are doing. Keep up the great work!!