Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Good News

Since we moved to Michigan during our adoption process, it made finalizing really difficult. We had to redo A LOT of paperwork, redo our fingerprints, etc. We would turn in our paperwork to the court and they would call back and need something else. We would wait on Idaho and/or Missouri to turn in forms and so on... It was getting really depressing. Ok- I was getting really impatient!! I felt like things were so unorganized and we were never going to finish before the end of the year.

We wanted to have it finalized for several reasons: 1. Ryan's schedule will be super hectic from January 1st until, pretty much the next five years. He starts all his hard rotations (surgery, obgyn, internal med) then its board studies, his brothers wedding and then out rotations for the next 3 months applying for residencies.... like I said SUPER BUSY!! 2. It would be so perfect to do it over Christmas break so our families could come. 3. Lets face it reasons one and two are enough!

We finally got the call and have a court date!!! December 7th at 10am Paige will legally be ours and we will be finished with interviews and paperwork.

We are able to take her to the temple on December 27th in Idaho Falls.

We are so excited for this holiday season. We have so much to be thankful for. We are so thankful for the people that have come into our lives that helped us adopt Paige. We love experiencing everything with her and can't wait for her first Christmas! We have the best families that have welcomed her and spoil her rotten. Ryan has been blessed with great doctors to work with and learn from. And we have great friends!!

We love you guys so much! Happy Holidays!!


  1. Ummm... all there really is to say is....YEA!!!!!!!!!!! So happy to hear! YEA!!!!

  2. I didn't even realize the whole Idaho, then Missouri, and THEN Michigan thing. CRAZY! But I am glad is will soon be over. Congrats guys!

  3. congrats! We just had Patrick sealed to us on Saturday. It's such a nice feeling to have everything done and that your baby is offically yours. You will have a awesome holiday this year!

  4. That is so exciting! We are so happy for you guys! Paige is so lucky to have you both and I am sure you feel the same way about her! What a neat experience thus temple will be! I get teary eyed just thinking about it!

  5. What a lucky family we are! Ryan, Lisa and Paige are an adorable family and they were MEANT to be! Love you all and can't wait to see you xoxoxoxoxox

